Thursday, May 26, 2016


We have finished watching the first order in season one of Quantico. The single most thing draw us to watch this thriller TV show is Priyanka Chopra. This is our "Desi" girl's international debut and PC must be the first Indian to lead in an American series.

The plot bounces back and forth, wherein at present Alex Parrish (Priyanka Chopra), a newly recruited FBI agent finds herself to be the prime suspect in the New York's Grand Central Station terror attack. This is seen as the worst terror strike since 9/11. When brought in for investigation, Alex learns that the perpetrator of bombing and framing her is one of her fellow trainees from academy, Quantico. And that is the past where Alex's fellow recruiters and other characters are introduced to us. Now running away from authorities, she has to prove her innocence and the real culprit must be brought to book.

Shelby Wyatt, a wealth heiress and Alex's best friend; Simon Asher, a Jewish who pretends to be a gay and has spent considerable amount of time in Gaza; Nimah/Raina, twins brought in by Miranda Shaw as one; Caleb Haas with connections; Ryan Booth, undercover agent and Alex's love interest; Natalie Vasquez, Alex's rival in academy are important batch-mates of Alex's.

In the academy, the first task is to find secrets about their classmates. Alas, each candidate either is related to middle east in someway or killed somebody. Alex herself killed her father in self defense and she is haunted by it. Like her, each and every character has a deep, dark, ugly past. In another task, Alex Parish is the first one to solve the case in the entire FBI history. Duh! I mean, I get it. She is super intelligent, but first in FBI history? Here I have to mention I have a massive crush on FBI/CIA profession and secretly harboring a desire to be one, which is next to impossible I know. But a girl can dream right? I digress.

The story line is far-fetched, mishmash of Bourne series and The Recruit. It is exaggerated most of the time and seriously I did not get connect to any characters. Nonetheless, the pace is pretty fast and brisk. The two things that glued me are; one it is a classic "Whodunit" and a strand of suspects tossed around, my curious self must know it; the second is Piggy Chops.

I am not a "typical" Priyanka Chopra fan girl; however, I applaud her success. She plays a role of intelligent, bold, smart, and kick-ass agent, which is well-thought and well-written. She easily steals the show with her energy and zeal. She gets to do a lot of steamy  scenes, which we are deprived of in her Bollywood movies. Her accent in the show made twitteraties go frenzy; but I felt she managed it pretty decently, not like our desi fake-ass accented people. She is the first South Asian Actress to win a People's Choice Award for Quantico. Clearly, this girl made her mark in both sides of Atlantic.

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